Aaron generated Flickr Shapetiles from geotagged Flickr photos, which have up to six associated Where On Earth (WOE) IDs. These identifiers correspond to the hierarchy of places where a photo was taken: the neighbourhood, the town, the county, and so on up to continents. If you draw an outline around all the locations for a given WOE entity, you infer an approximate shape of that place!
This map is constructed using a single image layer pulling tiles from Amazon S3 via TileStache. Hosting courtesy of Aaron Straup Cope.
var po = org.polymaps; var map = po.map() .container(document.getElementById("map").appendChild(po.svg("svg"))) .zoomRange([1, 10]) .zoom(3) .add(po.image().url(tilestache("http://s3.amazonaws.com/info.aaronland.tiles.shapetiles/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png"))) .add(po.interact()) .add(po.compass().pan("none")); /** Returns a TileStache URL template given a string. */ function tilestache(template) { /** Pads the specified string to length n with character c. */ function pad(s, n, c) { var m = n - s.length; return (m < 1) ? s : new Array(m + 1).join(c) + s; } /** Formats the specified number per TileStache. */ function format(i) { var s = pad(String(i), 6, "0"); return s.substr(0, 3) + "/" + s.substr(3); } return function(c) { var max = 1 << c.zoom, column = c.column % max; if (column < 0) column += max; return template.replace(/{(.)}/g, function(s, v) { switch (v) { case "Z": return c.zoom; case "X": return format(column); case "Y": return format(c.row); } return v; }); }; }