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k-Means Clustering

Symbol maps, such as those used by Oakland Crimespotting, are great for visualizing discrete events across time and space. But what happens if you want to show thousands of points? Here we use k-means clustering to coalesce dots and visualize the density of crime in Oakland.

The map background is a monochrome image layer from CloudMade. Register a developer account with CloudMade for your own API key. Crime data is sourced from CrimeWatch.

This example uses a helper library to compute the k-means and build a kd-tree. These helpers aren’t part of the official Polymaps release, but they are covered by the same BSD license and you are welcome to use them!

Source Code

var po = org.polymaps;

var map = po.map()
    .center({lat: 37.787, lon: -122.228})
    .zoomRange([12, 16])

    + "/1a1b06b230af4efdbb989ea99e9841af" // http://cloudmade.com/register
    + "/20760/256/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png")
    .hosts(["a.", "b.", "c.", ""])));

        + "/crime-data"
        + "?count=1000"
        + "&format=json"
        + "&bbox={B}"
        + "&dstart=2010-04-01"
        + "&dend=2010-05-01"))
    .on("load", load)


function crimespotting(template) {
  return function(c) {
    var max = 1 << c.zoom, column = c.column % max;
    if (column < 0) column += max;
    return template.replace(/{(.)}/g, function(s, v) {
      switch (v) {
        case "B": {
          var nw = map.coordinateLocation({row: c.row, column: column, zoom: c.zoom}),
              se = map.coordinateLocation({row: c.row + 1, column: column + 1, zoom: c.zoom}),
              pn = Math.ceil(Math.log(c.zoom) / Math.LN2);
          return nw.lon.toFixed(pn)
              + "," + se.lat.toFixed(pn)
              + "," + se.lon.toFixed(pn)
              + "," + nw.lat.toFixed(pn);
      return v;

function load(e) {
  var cluster = e.tile.cluster || (e.tile.cluster = kmeans()

  for (var i = 0; i < e.features.length; i++) {
    var feature = e.features[i];
      x: Number(feature.element.getAttribute("cx")),
      y: Number(feature.element.getAttribute("cy"))

  var tile = e.tile, g = tile.element;
  while (g.lastChild) g.removeChild(g.lastChild);

  var means = cluster.means();
  means.sort(function(a, b) { return b.size - a.size; });
  for (var i = 0; i < means.length; i++) {
    var mean = means[i], point = g.appendChild(po.svg("circle"));
    point.setAttribute("cx", mean.x);
    point.setAttribute("cy", mean.y);
    point.setAttribute("r", Math.pow(2, tile.zoom - 11) * Math.sqrt(mean.size));
Polymaps is a project from SimpleGeo and Stamen.